Fall Family Fun!

These guys were troopers! They met me extra early and I dragged them to all corners of the park! And I'm pretty sure our morning went from sunny summer to blustery fall in less than 45min. But it I don't think there was any lack of fun :)

Mom and Dad of the Year!

I know how hard it is to get everyone cleaned up (and keep them clean) for family pictures. So I'm pretty sure fountain diving was not on their list of "must-do's". But they were awesome and embraced it ...and of course we got some great "dry" shots ;).


Family surprised the birthday boy and what a happy occasion it was! What a fabulous and fun (and hysterically funny) family this is! I had to stifle my laughter a few times so I could keep my camera steady :)


This little guy's mom and I agree, there need to be more cake-eating holidays. And the sweet girl she is, brought ME cupcakes. They were divine...to say I made short work of them is an understatement. Ironically, as much as we wanted to dive into his cake, he was more interested in the balloons and the trucks out my windows.  Happy birthday cute kiddo! And if that cake was half as good as the cupcakes, you were missing out ;)

Happy 1st Birthday!

It's rare I go to a friend's first birthday without my little ones in tow. But 2 out of 3 were down for the count and home with Dad. So I got to snap a few photos with my teeny one asleep in the carrier. He was quite uncertain of his cake (I thought it was delicious!). Happy Birthday little buddy! 

More Sisters!

This was my very last shoot, two weeks before my third baby was born, and probably the best workout I got all fall! I'm still laughing at all the chasing I did! But from huge smiles to perfect curls, the camera loved these sweet girls!