
I was rather pregnant through all of my fall shoots. We had opted for a surprise and already having a son and a daughter truly made me not have a preference at all. But if ever a shoot made me want another girl, it was this one! These sisters, oh my goodness! This family is equally beautiful and hysterical! 


I love when parents want to do something different!! I don't mind picking out a location and I have tons of fun ones. But I do love when a mom knows what she wants. We hit up multiple areas around town and went for a more urban feel. They were willing to meet me early to avoid the rush of people and her gorgeous kiddos were bouncing with energy despite the early hour and produced some of my favorite shots of the year!

Fun with my own

I have at least one memory card full of photos from our summer: weddings, camp, swim...all just sitting there. Busy with work, the kids, a new house... I've put off going through them. Then I realized it was August and if I didn't get my butt in gear, it'd be Fall before I posted Summer pics. A Light Inspired post by Amanda of Gingersnaps Photographs  made me realize, it's time to go through them. So a stormy Friday morning was just what I needed to try a fun activity,  the "shaving cream paint", and upload pictures asap.  My kids were A. impatient, hence the mediocre "paint" color and B. more interested in painting themselves than the walls. We did learn two important lessons: shaving cream does not taste good and food coloring stains belly buttons. Oops!